
Shut-off Day Forward Paper

The next key step is to shut off your paper at the source wherever possible. Can you mandate digitized invoices from vendors? How can digital files begin to replace paper versions? Where do you have teams printing off documents just to turn around and digitize them? Not only will this approach be more sustainable, it will save valuable time and allow you to refocus your team.

Make Your Content Accessible


Eliminating paper processes will save your employees time and money by easily being able to search for the information they need. After using a digitize files service, they’ll need a place to go for management and activation. Content services platforms are available at scale depending on your needs and objectives.

Assess Security Threats


Storing paper documents is not only costly but leaves security gaps in the events that could cause information damage like floods, fires, theft or even the daily wear of handling paper. Digitizing your files and processes ensures only those with permission can access the data, drastically reducing the occurrence of compliance issues.

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