The DataBank Cloud
Comprehensive Cloud Hosting for OnBase
We’ve worked with hundreds of clients on hosting projects and we’ve seen the challenges most hosting environments present to a complex system like OnBase. The result is a comprehensive cloud hosting solution built specifically for Hyland OnBase that removes the restrictions we see so often with other hosting solutions.
Our partnership with Hyland has been forged over decades, and there’s a reason why we’re the largest Hyland reseller in North America. We’re in the business of solving problems and helping people – and that’s why we built The DataBank Cloud.
Cloud is written in the stars.
Prepare for the future of anything
The DataBank Cloud is powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), and we’ve built comprehensive features into an “all-in price” that give you the ability to scale up or down as your business needs fluctuate.
Migrate with a true partner
We’re a dedicated team of cloud strategists, architects, and engineers that help you plan, prep, move, and maintain OnBase in the cloud.
Included maintenance makes cloud sustainable
24/7 eyes on your infrastructure, system health checks, basic maintenance – all included. Plus, The DataBank Cloud team is just a phone call away for assistance.
A 2020 study by Nucleus Research found that cloud delivers 4.01 the ROI compared with on-premise solutions.
Cloud hosting frees you up from maintaining legacy hardware and dealing with surprise costs like repairs and replacements. It interconnects your organization, allowing you to streamline operations and gives you control over your hosting environment. And, mitigated security risks means you’re less vulnerable to attack.
Why move to the cloud?
Managing ECM, or content services, platforms on-prem is a drain on your resources. When you migrate to the cloud, you no longer need to worry about costly maintenance for aging hardware. With the time freed up, you can reallocate internal resources to more future-focused initiatives.
Have you upgraded your OnBase to 18 or higher?
For those who feel they’ll never make it to the cloud because of their outdated OnBase, no worries. Even if you’ve fallen a bit behind, we can get you upgraded before or during your migration to The DataBank Cloud. And once you’re in The DataBank Cloud, annual upgrades are packed into your subscription.