
Require Digital Invoices


Take control of the AP & AR processes by making it a requirement to send and receive digital invoices. Manual handling of invoices takes away valuable time that could be spent on more important tasks. Not only will it give you back time, but think of all the money and trees you’ll save without having to print and mail all those invoices. We see many teams who receive digital invoices print them off to process them. Our solutions can help you stay in the digital world and maintain the speed you need to succeed.

Select the Right Tool

How will you ensure visibility into each step? Imagine the possibilities of building dashboards for status updates or enabling mobile approvals. We partner with organizations like Esker, Onbase, and Nintex, offering best-in-class solutions. Depending on your scale and needs, our team has deep expertise in the implementation and management to help you improve your cash flow and see the immediate benefits reflected in time savings, visibility and ROI.

Automate Minor Steps

It’s amazing how automating the smallest of steps can help you shift your priorities and get back to the work that matters most. Think about automating payment reminders, payment capture, approvals, tracking status, records, and data feeds to new dashboards that give you a complete overview of your cash flow. Any step you’re able to automate means improving accuracy and speeding up the time it takes to get paid.

It all starts with discovery. Let's talk about your current state and where to get started.
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