
Your organization is unique, and so are your needs for OnBase. The level of customization OnBase offer is incredibly powerful, and also complex. That’s where we come in.


With DataBank, you can ensure your solution is designed and implemented correctly the first time. Our team will help you discover the right solution for your pain point, design the solution, test, and implement, with your approval and involvement in every step.

Steps for an OnBase Solution Design & Implementation

Process Discovery


Process discovery begins with a survey used to identify details of existing processes, outline the project scope, and find where efficiencies lie in the current format.



Our business analyst group starts what our solution architects team finishes to create a roadmap of a project for a client. This process helps our team know exactly what we’re building for a client through a Solution Design Document (SDD) and with client approval, our solution engineer team builds the designed system.



Each solution is built in a full test environment for clients to test and sign off before it’s implemented.



Once user sign off is done, implementation begins and training can start for the client.


OnBase solutions for your organization.
Reach an OnBase expert.

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