
Content Services and your data are not immune to change. And when that change involves transferring data via a migration, it’s crucial to ensure security and planning for a smooth process. Migrations place data from one location or system into another while keeping the all crucial systems in place for the end users.


Whether the reasoning is a merger, acquisition, or wanting a single source of truth for data, OnBase migrations should be handled with care. Considerations such as methodology, staging environments, and methods of data importation are always needed when planning a large data cutover to a new system.

Data in Multiple Places


Your data living in several places can interfere with a holistic view of your company’s data.

Analytics are key


Business processes and changes need data for justification. Ensuring you have a full view of your data is crucial to create solid business plans and roadmaps.

New possibilities start with an upgrade.
Reach an OnBase expert.

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