
This is OnBase Camp and you’re in training. So what’s all the work without a bit of fun? For every completed course, you’ll receive a custom OnBase Camp badge.


You could win tickets to CommunityLIVE2023 at Caeser’s Forum in Las Vegas, NV.

  • 1 course badge = 1 entry
  • 1 call booked with the DataBank team* = 1 entry


*booked call must be related to course content

The Navigator



Get an in-depth look at DataBank’s process for roadmapping, tips for success, and an overview of how enterprise licensing can enable growth



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The Day Dreamer



Get a peek behind the scenes of a recent cloud migration to see what it’s really like to get your organization in the cloud.



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The Peak Pioneer



Learn more about gaining an OnBase ally and empowering your teams to be their happiest, most productive selves.



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Using automation to find and drive ROI


Learn how you can utilize automation to understand and drive ROI at your organization.



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Content Intelligence for OnBase


Learn all things intelligent document processing and how that integrates with your OnBase.



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Hurry now, get started!


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