
About this course

Time to complete

1 hour

Steps to gain your badge

1. Watch the video
2. Complete the quiz


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Perfect for

IT Directors

– System Administrators

– Business Analysts

– Process Analysts

Using Automation Course Description


Discover the meaning behind various automation buzzwords, why every organization can find value behind automating certain processes, how to get started, and an inside look into Hyland’s RPA product for OnBase.

Top Takeaways


  • Automation allows you to utilize your employees to do more creative and important tasks for your organization.
  • To identify process suitability for automation, ask yourself:
    • Which process is most labor intensive?
    • Which process hurts the most?
    • Which process is most employee intensive?
  • Picking the right process is key to starting on the right track toward automation of your business processes

Automation Tour Guides


Jim Erb



Jim Erb

Director of Professional Services, DataBank

Creep their LinkedIn  




Volker Krause



Volker Krause

Global Technical Sales Manager, Hyland

Creep their LinkedIn  




earn your next onbase camp badge by completing the quiz


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