
Improve Data Intake


How are you receiving information from your customers today? Far more organizations that you would think still rely on paper-driven forms and processes. Better data intake looks like moving away from day-forward paper processes by building custom digital forms or collaborating with one of our software partners, like Nintex, Bottomline, or Hyland, to shut off your paper at the source.

Connect Your Systems


A high level of aggregation can be achieved by directly connecting various systems. DataBank’s Development team specializes in building custom APIs and connections between disparate systems. This team has deep expertise in bring worlds together to make a smooth and simple user experience. 

Customer Portals


What hoops are your stakeholders jumping through to get information back from your organization? Customer portals are powerful activation points and allow for a single location to house your data intake while also granting stakeholders simple access to the information they need.

Better customer experience starts under the hood. Let's take a look.
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