
IT teams are often overwhelmed with help desk tickets and requests, taking time and resources away from important strategic initiatives. Our technical team can support or fully absorb help desk management to allow you more time to refocus your internal team and key projects.

Accumulating Backlog


IT requests can seem to be never-ending, causing a backlog of requests and decreasing attention on other important projects. Our experts can add extra hands to your help desk or absorb it fully to get you back on track, greatly diminishing the stresses of your backlog and allowing you to focus on other strategic projects.

Expert OnBase Knowledge


Software solutions can be difficult for your employees to learn on their own, leaving inefficiencies from lack of proper training. Our experts come with great industry knowledge and experience to help train new or existing employees on how to use your systems, greatly improving your employee efficiency. We guarantee you, if they don’t know the answer, one of our 100+ engineer network will.

“Even the call I just got off of, [she was] an end user struggling to find different things in her scanned batch list. We were able to just go through it, and I'm almost in a training role at that point showing the user how to use different features. Yes, I'm solving an issue, but I'm also sort of training them on how to do different things that might even help them every day.”

Greg Kuebel - Support Engineer, DataBank

Our Process

Technical staffing analysis

We’ll work together to discover gaps in your teams and skills.


Amplified project roadmap
We’ll deliver a customized plan based on your current OnBase setup and staffing needs.


We hit the ground running

We quickly integrate into your meetings and communications so we can start work right away.

Get started with a 1x1 technical staffing analysis.
Book Now.

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