
Streamlining and aggregating data across your organization empowers every employee to confidently make informed decisions. “Going digital” is an important first step, and managing your files in a content services system is even better, but we developed our Content Intelligence offering to go a step further. As your files and records are processed into your systems, the data trapped inside them is intelligently extracted through cloud-based tools and a little human ingenuity.


Key data points including form fields, activity logs, dates and approvals no longer live trapped inside your files, they are extracted, transformed and loaded into systems like a data warehouse or data lake to be activated. Reporting, business intelligence, customer experience portals and more suddenly go from being pipe dreams to earning slots on your strategic roadmap.

Short on Time


Cloud-based capture and extraction tools use natural language processing to uncover more usable, contextual information in seconds rather than months with previous manual methods.


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