
Proper documentation is how you get paid, but it can be such a headache, taking away precious time you could be spending with patients. iTreatMD, our clinical workflow, and revenue enhancement solution, provides structured, best practice guidance during patient encounters and accurately captures patient information at the point of care. Reports enabled by machine learning promote smarter decision-making that drives improved patient outcomes and help you discover opportunities that eliminate unbilled revenue due to incomplete documentation.

Reduce time spent on documentation with clinical workflow


Smart Workflow simplifies the patient documentation process by helping you accurately conduct medical reconciliation and requiring minimal typing that results in better data quality. The platform uses voice dictation for personalized patient notes, eliminating the need to re-type information and helping you quickly move on to the next patient appointment. Smart Workflow ensures up-to-date patient information by connecting to EMRs across multiple facilities.

Make better, faster decisions on patient care


Clinical artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning improve clinical decision-making with real-time guidance like rapidly reviewing medications, allergies, and conditions in one place. The platform AI enables clinicians to make smarter decisions that improve patient outcomes and reduce hospital readmissions.

Capture lost revenue with timely reporting


Built-in dashboards provide 100% visibility into clinical, operational, and transactional data that allow for better analysis of revenue and claims waiting for payment. With this type of visibility, you’re able to simplify the claims and billing processes and significantly reduce the number of denials and unbilled revenue. With iTreatMD, practices are seeing a 60% reduction in documentation time, an 80% reduction in transcription costs, and over 20% increase in revenue.


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