
It makes sense that OnBase experts would manage your OnBase infrastructure in the cloud. This is a standard feature in The DataBank Cloud because we know how much time you’ll save by not having to worry about it.

Rapid response to OnBase-related crises

We’re your first line of defense in the case your OnBase experiences an interruption. We have several teams specialized in OnBase-related infrastructure components including our DataBase, Infrastructure, Cloud, and Custom Development teams.

Monitoring of OnBase performance and integrations

Sometimes systems and applications disconnect or run into errors. We proactively mitigate any connection loss or failure.

Less business disruption with reduced downtime 

We provide high availability, which means the system is redundant across multiple datacenters and allows us to complete maintenance with no downtime. We operate with the greatest amount of uptime, which is really just us saying we take quality seriously and do our best to avoid operational disruption. If there are any expected or unexpected interruptions, we get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Security built to protect your most critical information

We have multi-layered security measures in place to safeguard your OnBase content. In addition to our Cloud Security Posture Management tools, like Secure Access Controls, Encrypted Data Protection, and Trust Network Security Controls, we have immutable backups that protect against ransomware, isolated systems that avoid co-mingling of customer data on systems, and 24/7 monitoring for suspicious activity.


Ability to refocus energy on serving your customers

Without worrying about the stability of your OnBase, your team can shift their attention to working on projects that better serve your customers, employees, and drive ROI.

Optional, 100% hands-free OnBase maintenance through Amp Services

If you don’t have the resources to spend time meddling with OnBase like configurations, troubleshooting, or workflow setup, we accept that challenge. 


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