
On-demand administration assistance for OnBase. Simple, streamlined, no-nonsense IT staff augmentation when you need it.

Work We Do

OnBase role and user management in your current environment

Troubleshooting and error resolution

Ticket evaluation and service requests

Basic admin configuration and modifications including doctypes, keywords, scan queue, and DIP jobs

Solution design reviews

Non-production testing and support

“The benefits of having someone in my role is really to free up staff to do more important tasks like Project development. My role handles the smaller issues so they don't have to. I deal with those because a lot of the issues are the same thing. It's a lot of repeat type of issues, and if somebody is developing a large project or working on a large project, they just don't have the time to deal with the little issues that come up on a day-to-day basis.”

Greg Kuebel, OnBase Support Engineer, DataBank

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