
Preparing your data to do great things


Structuring your data is exactly what it sounds like. We take documents and content scattered across various formats and file types and turn that into organized, accessible data. 


Information can either be unstructured, semi-structured, or structured. In order for you to really do anything with your data, it needs to be structured so it can be easily interpreted by the technologies used to process documents and power automation. 


Unstructured data is what most organizations have a lot of – and we mean a lot. Text files, PDFs, and rich media files are all examples of unstructured data that doesn’t follow a particular format or structure (get it). 


Semi-structured data is a step in the right direction, containing some kind of organizational structure but it’s not a rigid schema. Think emails, XML and other markup languages, and a lot of data originating from web content. 


And finally, structured data, or data that fits into a predefined model. Names, dates, addresses, credit card numbers. 


Structuring methods have advanced dramatically and DataBank remains on the leading edge. Scanning and classification techniques blended with cloud-based extraction and data comprehension technology can provide fast, efficient results.

Usable, trusted data


    When the dream of clean data becomes reality 


    Can you imagine what your organization could accomplish with with clean, usable data? The sky’s the limit. 


    Having accessible, readable data you know you can rely on is the difference between making an educated guess and a calculated, data-driven decision. Having trusted data gives you the confidence you need to build a solid path forward and understand what is truly mission-critical. 

    Your data, your way


    Making sense of what you have


    All organizations produce structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data – but the use cases and outputs vary. Not all information needs to be structured in the same way or to the same degree, it needs to be modeled in a way that makes it useful for your organization. 


    That’s where a thoughtful, strategic approach to data structuring comes in handy, and why we love consulting on complex data structuring projects. Information keeps your organization going, and making the best business decisions depends on your ability to see the full picture.

    Our process


    A comprehensive approach from start to finish


    Our focus is on outputs rather than getting a job done – and that’s why we start all of our projects with in-depth discovery focused on our industry and organizational needs. 


    From documents to LOB databases, we’ll guide you through the entire data structuring process by combining our expertise and knowledge of each industry to tailor everything to meet your specific needs. Our team jumps head-first into unstructured data to classify, index and structure your information in a way that brings clear value to your processes and organization.



    Signed, sealed, delivered


    Whether you need help with an end-to-end content management solution, or just need your data nicely organized and input into an existing system, we’ve got you covered. 


    No matter where our data’s final destination is, we can work with that, and make sure it’s immediately accessible to your team. We’re also really great at looking holistically at how you’re using your data and finding ways to pick up efficiencies, if you’re into that kind of thing.



      Data security is the first and foremost concern for most of the IT and organizational leaders we work with – we get it. So we’ve done everything in our power to make sure that once we have access to your organization’s data, you can rest easy. 


      Our state-of-the-art data management centers, SO 27001 certification and SOC 2 compliance, capabilities to work within whatever security framework matters to you, means you’re getting the best of the best in security while your data is being indexed and classified.

      Help where you need it


      Your data partner in crime


      For many organizations, the mountain of data they’ve amassed is an impediment that just keeps snowballing. It’s a jumbled mess without a clear beginning or end, and no one has the time, energy or resources to untangle the knots. 


      With such a complex problem, and such a high volume of data, it can feel overwhelming to know where to start. Working with a partner gives you an experienced guide who can take on the daunting – and let’s face it, less fun – tasks and work with you to get the outcomes you need, without wasting your team’s time or energy.


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