We know living amongst the clouds comes with a different set of security concerns. Security is a central core of The DataBank Cloud. We’ve built in multiple layers to ensure your infrastructure and data is secured at rest and in transit.

Secure Access Controls (SAC)

Any unauthorized access or users in your systems could lead to a breach of security, so we keep a total view of access for you. We follow SAC as defined by the CIS framework and ISO27001.

Trusted Network Security Controls

We use controls, like multi-factor authentication (MFA) to validate identity of a user to confirm they are an accepted user of a system or application.

Change Management

Any change to your infrastructure, like a move to the cloud, is carefully assessed, managed, documented, and communicated through cloud change management.

Web Application Firewall

This layer of defense prevents attacks specifically from the internet to your web applications.


Data Protection

It’s our duty to safeguard your encrypted data in transit and at rest. We do this through our Cloud Security Posture Management tools like 24/7 threat detection and response (XDR).

Continuous Monitoring

24/7/365 – our eyes are always locked into your systems to check activity and confirm everything is running smoothly. We’ll immediately notify you of any unusual events.

On your own, protecting your data in the cloud can be scary and the costs add up quickly. The DataBank Cloud was built to ensure someone’s got your back.

No Cloud of Suspicion Here

Isolated/Dedicated Systems

We never co-mingle data or customers on a shared infrastructure. This protects you and your data in the event of malicious activity that didn’t originate from your organization.

VPN Site-to-Site

Tack on secure transfer of data between applications and sites, meaning you don’t have to create a new session on every app just because it’s in the cloud. It also means 3rd-party integrations without having to jump through hoops.

We’ll help you get to the cloud, safely.
View your roadmap.

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