
Content services, previously known as enterprise content management or ECM, can help securely control your organization’s data and information by allowing you to meaningfully organize, manage and store all of your content into a single, centralized point – whether it’s across your entire enterprise or starting within a single department. We are the largest and most experienced technical partner for Hyland’s Onbase product and offer deep expertise in many other solutions.


With a strategically implemented ECM application, your data isn’t just available, but it’s dynamic. You can create a “Google-like” experience for your team with the ability to search for records based on key terms within them. The solutions we support integrate with more than 500 different applications with limited time spent on custom coding, making it one of the fastest deployments for full data visibility.

Disorganized Records


Lost or disorganized data can make regulatory compliance a nightmare, but content services (or ECM) solutions can prevent liability and audit-related headaches. With DataBank’s robust document security protocols, including automated backups, your documents are guaranteed to remain safe.


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