The DataBank Cloud for OnBase
A full-service, comprehensive cloud hosting solution.
Why is The DataBank Cloud a great fit for your OnBase platform?
Because we built it for OnBase users.
Designed to be flexible, scalable and secure, The DataBank Cloud is an all-in-one cloud hosting solution boasting top-notch infrastructure, supercharged accessibility and a simplified way to manage your hosting.
But simplified doesn’t mean that it’s simple – powered by the unmatched security of AWS, The DataBank Cloud is also feature and support-rich, offering:
- VPN site-to-site, ready to connect an on-prem network to the cloud
- Secure access to data and configuration that other cloud offerings lock-down
- Self-service DataBank Cloud Portal for OnBase
- Full-service system upgrade every two years
- All-in-one pricing that includes your cloud migration
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. By the way – if your OnBase isn’t in the cloud yet, there are a lot of reasons why we think it should be.
You Want Accessibility Without Compromising Security
The DataBank Cloud offers best in class data security and accessibility to external apps and 3rd party integrations. Your data is protected, not locked down.
You Want A Simplified Solution
Our Cloud package includes everything you need in a single, all-in-one fee, including migration and hosting, so you don’t have to factor in additional expenses just to keep the lights on.
You Want to Talk to a Human
The DataBank Cloud includes built-in managed hosting, 24/7 monitoring, automatic security updates and regular system health checks. Best of all, you’ll have direct access to our Cloud team.