
Digitize your inbound physical mail to drive greater operational efficiency, security, and cost savings with Eco-Mail. Turn your paper mail into powerful, digital assets that allow you to run your organization more effectively with significantly less overhead.

Drive Cost Savings


Remove time, labor, transportation, scanning, and all other associated costs from your mail processes. Digital mail allows you to consolidate your mailroom and move to a centralized location where it makes the most sense.


Eco-Mail can help reduce or even completely eliminate costs associated with: 

  • Initial sort & delivery
  • Post-delivery sub-sort
  • Inter-office mail
  • Secondary delivery
  • Duplication
  • Scanning
  • Offsite storage

Take Control of Your Documents


Gain a single instance of each document that enables access to multiple users and removes the need to have your employees process the same document. Audit trails allow you to track progress while offering insights that give you complete control over your transactional processes.

Increase Mail Security


Too many things can go wrong with physical mail — like getting lost, redirected or being opened by the wrong person. Eco-mail only allows intended recipients to view mail. Plus, digital mail is completely trackable and auditable.

Integrate and Automate Processes


With digital mail, you can extract data from your documents and add it to your system of record through SOAP, REST or any API. When workflows are created to incorporate inbound mail, you increase visibility, reduce decision time, and improve customer service.


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